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Für alle Pasta-Liebhaber: Spaghetti mit Limone, Prosciutto und Rucola

For all pasta lovers: Spaghetti with lemon, prosciutto and rocket

There are things that give you stability in life - no matter how hectic and chaotic things may be around you. Things that are simply there when you need them - unconditionally and without asking questions. We're talking about pasta, of course! Just like chocolate, a fresh blow-out at the hairdresser or a shopping spree at Within Mood , happiness hormones and pasta simply cannot be separated.

What is the pasta best in? In our Big Bowl - handmade in a small German factory, minimalist aesthetic and big enough for a decent portion of the best carbohydrates ever. And if you want to try something other than pasta with tomato sauce in all variations , we have just the right pasta recipe for you. Especially suitable in summer. Let's go!

You need the following ingredients for the spaghetti recipe for 4 people: 

  • 450g spaghetti
  • 2 tablespoons extra cold pressed olive oil
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp pickled capers, rinsed
  • 8 slices of prosciutto, cut into small pieces
  • 150 g rocket, cut into strips
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 150 g feta, marinated in oil

Step by step to enjoyment: 

  1. Bring water to the boil in a large pot, then add plenty of salt and cook the spaghetti in it until al dente. Be careful, the key word here is: large pot! The pasta must have enough space when cooking. Please do not add any oil to the water and do not rinse the pasta at the end.
    Real Italians would never!
  2. Meanwhile, carefully heat the olive oil in a second pan over a medium heat. Make sure that it is not heated too hot so that it retains its good taste and does not become bitter (olive oil is a little sensitive). Sauté the lemon zest, garlic, chili and capers in it for about 1 minute. Then add the diced prosciutto and fry until it is nice and crispy.
  3. Enter the main ingredient: Add the drained spaghetti and fold it into the other ingredients with love and care. Small tip: Add a dash of the starchy cooking water to help the flavors attach to the pasta better.
  1. Enter the Within Mood pasta plate : arrange the spaghetti in a nest in our Big Bowl before adding the finishing touches: garnish with the rocket strips, a dash of lime juice and the feta cheese marinated in oil. Finally, add a fresh pinch of pepper. Buon Apettito!

PS: We look forward to seeing your final result on Instagram @withinmood ! Always tagging and stuff, you know what's going on. Tanto amore from us to you!

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